我們SPD4459 爹你術士又帶大家去食韓國菜,上回講到尖沙咀既漢城。今次我地介紹同樣位於尖沙咀的Hungry Korean。嫌上次介紹既比較貴的話,可以試下呢間!呢間比較實惠,但人比較多,通常都要等下位。
We, SPD4459 deliyautsimmong, bring you guys to have Korean dishes. Last time, we introduced Hansung Co. This time, we introduce another Korean restaurant, Hungry Korean, which is also located in Tsim Sha Tsui. If you want a more bargaining restaurant, you may choose this. But this restaurant may need to wait for getting a seat.
Hungry Korean門口 |
姐姐正在做韓式壽司 |
Menu |
I believe you always eat Japanese sushi, but have you ever tried Korean sushi before? This restaurant have fresh Korean sushi made by the ladies. We, SPD4459 deliyautsimmong, are going to try this!
韓式芝士壽司 |
This is my first time to try Korean sushi. I discovered Korean sushi is similar to the Japanese rolls. But Korean sushi has lots of ingredients, like: rice, seaweed, cheese, sea plants, beef, carrots, radishes. The taste is complex. There are fresh vegetables with sweet Korean beef and cheese. Although I am not a Korean lover, I still would like to eat more pieces.
泡菜豬肉跟飯 |
我地爹你術士點了泡菜豬肉跟飯,連飲品48蚊,一支公既朋友可以選擇。拍拖既朋友更加要揀!48蚊有得JAR JAR聲,幾正呀!熱呼呼的泡菜豬肉十分入味。
We, deliyautsimmong, ordered a Kimchi pork with rice. With drink, it costs $48. If you go alone, it is a good choice for you. $48 can have the sound effect of "JAR JAR". That's cool. This pork is very tasty with the taste of Kimchi. Great!
韓式拉麵 |
這個韓式拉麵好似平時屋企食果款即食麵。 除左夠地道既韓式風味,我地爹你術士就麻麻地喇!如果你真係鐘意食泡菜國既食物的話,你地可以一戰既...
This is Korean Ramyun. This is like the Korean instant noodles. It is really Korean style and taste, but it is not really recommended. If you really like Korean food, you can still have a try.
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